Cavaliers coach Byron Scott isn't happy with J.J. Hickson and the forward's starting job is in jeopardy.

Scott says that Hickson still doesn't know the Princeton offense.

"He's one we're counting on to play a major role in what we're doing. Right now, from an offensive standpoint, he's not understanding what we're trying to do," Scott said.

"That's disappointing, especially as much as we go through it every day."

Scott has been trying to motivate Hickson since the start of training camp. If Hickson falls out of the starting lineup, Antawn Jamison is expected to start.

"I'm not very confident that he'll have it down pat," Scott said. "But it won't be because of a lack of effort on our end.

"It's just lack of focus. He wants to do it, but sometimes he's 22 years old and he comes to practice and he's not focused. This is a job and something you have to take seriously. There's nobody in that locker room that has an excuse because they have a video playbook and they have a playbook. They can go home and watch it on DVD, go home and open the book up and we're always available. So there's really no excuse. He has to get a little better and take it more seriously."