Billy Knight is guaranteed two things: another year's salary from the Hawks and an expenses-paid trip to Secaucus, home of Thursday's NBA draft lottery for the right to draft LeBron James and supplement his $75 million contract with Reebok (give or take an insole).

Can't speak for Knight's karma, however. His positions (director of basketball operations/interim general manager) could disappear after David McDavid closes escrow. He doesn't believe in lucky charms or horoscopes. And the Hawks haven't exactly been Mojo Central.

So what's the chance the Hawks will land the first, second or third selection in the draft? In order: 2.9, 3.37 and 4.02 percent. To compute it another way, there's an 89.71 percent chance they draw something lower than the third pick and have to surrender it to Milwaukee to complete the franchise-defining Glenn Robinson trade.

Winning the lottery, Knight said, "Certainly would add a level of interest. But I can't quantify it. This isn't something you can plan on or design. If it happens, it happens. But it happened twice for Orlando."