Celtics rookie forward Ryan Gomes once served as an unofficial draft consultant to the Chicago Bulls.

Gomes had just completed his junior year at Providence when he flew to Chicago for a tryout and interview with the Bulls. Chicago general manager John Paxson used the occasion to tap Gomes? knowledge of the Big East.

?I watched him a lot and that year he came out and I knew he was going to be a good player in this league,? Gomes said after yesterday?s practice in Waltham. ?When I worked out for Chicago my junior year they asked me what player in the Big East that I thought was really good and I said Ben Gordon.

?I didn?t get any credit for them drafting him that early, but I?ll take it. I remember him (Paxson) asking me during my interview what guy do you think is the best player in the Big East not at my position and I said Ben Gordon.

?I talked to Paxson and I gave him my draft (choice). I don?t know if I deserve any credit. These guys know what they are doing. They have been doing it for a long time.?

Gomes never told Gordon that he had talked him up to the Bulls.