Jameer Nelson played beside Delonte West for three years at St. Joseph's and never once did he know or suspect that Delonte West was dealing with mood disorders or depression.

"People don?t look at us as having problems because we are professional athletes," Nelson said Wednesday after practicing with the Orlando Magic. "They look at us as the guys that go out there on the basketball court. We have outside life as well, and things can go on in your life that would trigger you to act a certain way. We?re human just like anybody else."

Nelson said he spoke on the phone with West several times during the summer, and nothing seemed wrong.

"He seemed well," Nelson said. "But you can never tell over the phone how somebody is doing.

"He's in my prayers," Nelson said. "I know this about Delonte: He?s a strong person and he's a great person. I don?t want anybody to think because of what?s going on and what happened to him that he?s a bad person. He?s a great person, and people need to understand that."