June 2011 Charlotte Hornets Wiretap

Curry Comfortable With Warriors But Wouldn't Be Opposed To Playing For Charlotte

Sep 30, 2011 3:54 PM

Stephen Curry bought a home in Weddington, North Carolina, which is near Charlotte, and continues to rent in San Francisco.

"Of course I'd like to play here - it's home and I know a lot of people. But that doesn't mean I'm trying to get out of Golden State,'' Curry said Thursday in a wide-ranging interview with the Observer.

"There's no reason I would not want to play in Charlotte. Maybe the pressure of being around family all the time would affect some people, but I wouldn't be opposed to any of that.''

Curry said he's excited about the Warriors' recent change in ownership and new coach Mark Jackson.

"I think the Warriors are headed in a good direction, and I want to be a part of that,'' Curry said.

Curry wrote on Twitter to clarify the comments he made to the Charlotte Observer.

"I'm #GSW for life and ready for the long haul," wrote Curry. "Just answering a question about the pressure of family in my hometown."

Charlotte Observer

Tags: Stephen Curry, Charlotte Hornets, Golden State Warriors, NBA, NBA Misc Rumor

Diaw Signs With JSA Bordeaux

Sep 28, 2011 11:23 AM

Boris Diaw has officially signed with JSA Bordeaux for a minimum salary. Diaw is also a president of the team.

Diaw turned down two proposals from top teams in Europe.


Tags: Boris Diaw, Charlotte Hornets, French Jeep Elite, NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, International, International Signing Rumor, International League, International Misc Rumor

Diaw Close To Signing With JSA Bordeaux

Sep 26, 2011 11:55 AM

Boris Diaw is close to agreeing to a deal to play for JSA Bordeaux, a French team where he also serves as president.

Diaw has one-year remaining on his current deal with the Bobcats.


Tags: Boris Diaw, Charlotte Hornets, French Jeep Elite, NBA, NBA Signing Rumor, NBA Misc Rumor, International, International Signing Rumor, International League, International Misc Rumor

Drug, Pellet Gun Charges Against Cunningham Dropped

Sep 14, 2011 10:36 AM

Drug- and pellet gun-possession charges against Dante Cunningham of the Charlotte Bobcats were dropped Tuesday, regarding an April traffic stop in a Philadelphia suburb.

After those charges were withdrawn, Cunningham paid a $225 fine to resolve additional charges of unsafe equipment on his car and a noise violation.

In a brief statement to the Observer on Tuesday, Cunningham's attorney, Theodore Simon, emphasized the drug and gun charges were "unequivocally withdrawn" and the equipment and noise violations "are not criminal offenses.

Charlotte Observer

Tags: Dante Cunningham, Charlotte Hornets, NBA

Jordan Fined $100k For August Comments

Sep 12, 2011 1:15 PM

Michael Jordan has received a $100,000 fine for his comments made last month to an Australian newspaper about the lockout, according to sources.

In an Aug. 19 interview with The Herald Sun, a newspaper in Australia, Jordan spoke extensively about the need for revenue sharing and mentioned Andrew Bogut.

That violated the league's policy that bars team owners and employees from discussing the lockout or any players during the work stoppage.

Chris Broussard/ESPN

Tags: Michael Jordan, Charlotte Hornets, NBA, NBA CBA, NBA Fines

Walker Convinced He Can Play Point Guard

Sep 11, 2011 1:41 PM

Scouts questioned if Kemba Walker is a pure point guard, something he doesn't have an issue or concern with.

“I’m a 1 - there’s no question that I am a point guard,’’ said Walker. “I can just score the basketball, that’s it.

“Why can’t I do both? Why can’t I do everything? Pass, score, rebound. That’s what I have been doing my whole life. I’m an all-around player.’’

Walker hasn't had the normal rookie experience of summer league and training with his new franchise.

“It’s been real difficult,’’ he said. “Of course as a rookie, I would love to be with my coach and my teammates.

“I am in contact with some of my teammates, but as far as the coaches, it’s a little frustrating. I would like to start learning new things about the NBA game.

“I’m just looking forward to whenever that time comes. It hasn’t yet [affected me] but it will soon.

“As rookies, we’re all real anxious to play basketball, to get things going. We came here to play basketball and this happened to us. But we’re going to stay strong until we get the best deal possible for everyone, and I’m just counting on my counterparts to do the best job for us.’’

Boston Globe

Tags: Kemba Walker, Charlotte Hornets, UConn Huskies, NBA
